Saturday, February 12, 2011

bagos mia bagos!

ary nie 13/2..
last week exam..
so ape lagi..
enjoy laa...
x sedar thn ni PMR..
facebook laa blogger laa...
ym laa haa ape lagi !!..
okeyh okeyh!
from now on no more ok mia!!!!!!!
ceh dan dan no more!
tgk la esok mesti bukak punye..
eeeee...mia, mia kena stop intenet2 nieeeeee
tau tau tolonggg laaa cam ne nk dpt 9a nie! haa..
aiyoo deyy!!.and mia x nk dibanding2 kn dgn abg adip yg pndek tu kn so stop stop stop STOP dah gi blaja..~to all my readers shuh2 gi maen jaoh2!

happie birthday to you

yow yow yow,, hari ni birthday siti my cousin...happiy birthday..10th feb ari tu bday tira & dila the two most wiredest twins ever! aand next week 15th febuari hari jadi susilobangbang yudi YONO(yana laaa)...!!~ same dengan maulidul rasul barakallahu fikum...okey  seperti biasa bangon pagi2 (11.30 am!)
mama..."eh mia bangon2!! mandi siap2 sume.."
mia.."yelaaa yelaaaa!!!
mama.."kemas katil tu!"

pastu kite pon siapp dah ready sume2 msok kete..mama"bang kite nk mkn kat mane?"..papa.."haa!! makn ape?"  
..mama "sarapan laa"..papa "tadi tak mkn pape ke..dah kol 12 dah nie....bla bla bla bla blaa..(free speach)...
pastu kite prgi kedai hijas..then mkn dye not so good pastu kite gi base group..tutop da!!..last2 mkn (nasi ayam for breakfast?!) dkt2 dgn tmpt kerja mama (damansara)..okey then kite pergi ke tpt yg sepatotnye kite sampai kol3..tpi sekarang dah kol 2 something!! PUTRAJAYA rmh bik oya..on the way tu kite beli ice cream mia tira dila yana mama chocotop adek vanilla..kite gi sne lalu puchong..mama.."mia, dekat kan gi sni lalu puchong!"..
mia "haa?..ha'ah..yelaa tpi jgn sesat sudaa"..

setelah pusing pusing mencari presint 8 kita baru sedar bahawa kita telah SESAT sudaaa...
aiyoo...mia adeq n mama un cam org gie laa dlm kete tu... "eh eh naik laa.."ko ni turon tgk signboard tu".."terus je terus..".pastu kite tetibe smpai kt jln mati!! ah sudaa...turon balek ..teruss pastu naek bridge kat sth2 tu..and BAARUU LA SAMPAI..feeyuh!! haaa...pastu ape lagi..we get the party started laa  makan..capture2!..pastu dorang maen pecahkn blon org tiop belon laa..pon bolehh tpi best laa ngan abg siti aish ojen baby aina n new baby zahirah..kecik2 sume..hahaa mia un join je laa..skarang nie rmh bik oya je kecoh kay neighborhood nie mia sre..abg siti n kembar tgh racing aina n ojen men belon yana tgh colour beloon dye gne gift mama ksi..adeq..well dye tgh poco2 gne glong rtan!!hahahaa...mama n bik oya kat apo n papa Haa! papa... kat luar check kreta sbb tayar bocor lorh..haii dah laa jauh dri rmh...xpe xpee mia dah abes pekse!!..
okey dah bnyak dah tu mia type  pics semue mia ltak kat fb nnti ..penat eden!! hahaa..
peace out, Mia 

Friday, February 4, 2011

forget to forget you..

here's the thing!..mia tahun ni PMR...and mia decided to FORGET and by FORGET i mean really FORGET pasal semua2 bende yg mia 'ingat' dlm hidop mia know the thingss that shouldn't be mention...
tapi i can't i just can't not that there are special or anything i just can't do you get what the thing is??...
ahh it's about...ouh i can't tell you..they will know if i do....waaaaaa...ape mia ckp nie!!..have i gone mad??'s just people that you need th forget that's ALL!!!
                                                           does this mean i..i...!???

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

hang in there baby!

hahahaa..time nie kite 'SEMUA' tengah gila 
intenet x leh bukak so cam tu la jadinyee..
yupp, we are one terlebih HAPPIE family..

first koko 2010

first koko 2010